Regional Programme Goal
Policy-makers, public opinion, partners, public service and community broadcasters in Southern Africa influenced
regarding the need for an open three-tier system of broadcast licensing comprising public, commercial and community
broadcasters and underpinned by the principles of editorial independence, diversity, and independent regulation
• Promotion of freedom of expression through condensed broadcast and telecommunication updates
• Encourage the establishment of centres and distribution for African films in Namibia
Regional Programme
• Create awareness and campaign for the transformation of state controlled broadcasters into public service broadcasters
• Remind broadcast journalists working for state controlled broadcasters of their responsibilities when covering elections
5. Conduct a feasibility study
5.1 Prepare terms of reference and
• Terms of reference produce and
According to the draft report, there is a
and recommend viable system/s for
contract signed
need for all film and video centres in the
distributing African Film/s in Namibia
5.2 Identify and commission a reputable
• Contracted Mubasen Film and Video
country to form an association. There are
organisation to undertake study in
Productions to conduct study
very few centres available in rural areas.
• Meetings held and research
Also , government should provide
5.3 Holding a series of meetings to
mechanisms agreed upon
incentives to film and video producers to
agree on research mechanism and
• Draft report available
facilitate local content production and
report format according to terms of
improve distribution of African films.
Another way of encouraging local
5.4 Review report from contracted
producers is by not taxing them, as is the
case in the USA and Europe
6.Promoting diversity and pluralism
through re -launching of Katutura
Community Radio Station in Windhoek,

6.1 Formation of NGO coalition to relaunch the KCR
6.2 Identifying a suitable person to run
the station,
6.3 Provide expert assistance to NGO
coalition on issues of programming
6.4 Monitoring of programmes

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Coalition formed
Contract station manager started
work in February 2004
MISA Secretariat continues to provide
expert assistance to the NGO
Katutura Community Radio Station
started airing one hour per day. All
programmes the station broadcasts
deal in social issues.


Katutura Community Radio Station is a
case in point that failed to run soon it
was launched because government did
not address Community Broadcasting
when airwaves were liberalized in the
early 1990s. Since Community
Broadcasting being a new phenomenon,
there should an attempt by government
to assist communities wishing to establish
such as KCR.
It is hoped that as time goes by KCR will
increase hours of broadcast.

Select target paragraph3