Regional Programme Goal
Establishment of a region where there are no media freedom violations and the media operates freely without political,
commercial and economic interference
• Time-efficient and effective identification, analysis and exposure of each violation of media freedom and right to
information in the 11 SADC countries
Regional Programme
• SADC Journalists under Fire campaign objective: To expose the persecution of journalists in the SADC region, provide
practical support to victims and advocate for an enabling environment for media freedom and freedom of expression
5. SADC Journalists Under Fire campaign
5.1 Regional information tour to lobby
• Regional tour of six countries
A delegation from Zimbabwe undertook a
To expose the persecution of journalists
key policy makers and civic society
• Advocacy and information section,
blitz publicity campaign at the end of
in the SADC region, provide practical
organisations to support advocacy
September/beginning October 2003.
with resource materials on Zimbabwe
support to victims and advocate for an
and lobbying activities for media
was developed and made available
Countries visited included Botswana,
enabling environment for media freedom
reform in Zimbabwe
Malawi, Namibia , South Africa, Tanzania
and freedom of expression
5.2 Preparation of support materials
and Zambia. These countries were
5.3 Online publication of Zimbabwe
selected because of their strategic
• Advocacy and information packages
media crisis with support materials
importance in SADC and their potential to
(hard copy) were made available to
giving insight into:
positively influence the human rights
delegations for distribution.
The application of the repressive
situation in Zimbabwe.
Access to Information and
The Zimbabwean delegations were made
Protection of Privacy Act in
up of working journalists, editors, MISA
conjunction with the Public
office bearers, media lawyers and civil
Order and Security Act
society activists. Delegates were selected
The subversion of the judiciary
on the basis of their credibility and ability
Misinformation campaign on
to speak authoritatively on media
Zimbabwean land reform
freedom, freedom of expression and
Use of hate speech in the media
socio-economic issues.
Registration of journalists
MISA national chapters arranged series of
Harassment of private media
press conferences and interviews, as well
as meetings with, among others, media
Subversion of the public media’s
organisations, press clubs, ministers of
Information, Foreign Affairs and other
Need for broadcasting reforms
ministries of strategic importance. They
also addressed a number of public
discussion forums. This regional
publicity/lobby tour is seen as one of
MISA’s major successes in 2003. There
was tremendous interest and coverage of
the tour. MISA learnt a great deal from
the experience and intends to follow it up
with a similar activity.
MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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