Regional Programme Goal
Establishment of a region where there are no media freedom violations and the media operates freely without political,
commercial and economic interference
• Time-efficient and effective identification, analysis and exposure of each violation of media freedom and right to
information in the 11 SADC countries
Regional Programme
• SADC Journalists under Fire campaign objective: To expose the persecution of journalists in the SADC region, provide
practical support to victims and advocate for an enabling environment for media freedom and freedom of expression
6. SADC Journalists Under Fire campaign
6.1 Review of outcomes of the ‘Let the
• Media committee met and produced
Following the ‘Let the People Speak’
Development of a media sector plan on
People Speak’ meeting, held in
relevant progress reports
meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe, MISA
national, African and international
Harare, Zimbabwe on Oct 31, 2003
• Fundraising proposal are being
Secretariat was requested to assist in the
advocacy and lobbying on the media
6.2 Consultation with media committee
developed for submission
development of a media sector plan for
crisis in Zimbabwe.
in Zimbabwe (MMPZ, MISAZimbabwe. Participants of the media
• Media sector plan finalised in May
Zimbabwe, ZUJ, IJAZ);
recognised that the polarisation of the
6.3 Source funding for sector meeting
media was negatively affecting lobbying
• Memorandum of Understanding
and development of media sector
between Zimbabwean media
and advocacy attempts. MISA Secretariat
was entrusted with the responsibility to
organisations now called the Media
6.4 Source meeting facilitator
Alliance of Zimbabwe (MAZ) will be
fundraise for and facilitate the media
sector meeting which took place in
signed shortly. No date finalised.
• Funding proposals to support media
Nyanga, Zimbabwe in January 2004.
sector plan will be submitted during
Since then, the programme manager has
course of 2004
been working closely with the MMPZ and
MISA -Zimbabwe to finalise a strategic
plan and funding documents for MAZ.
7. SADC Journalists Under Fire campaign
7.1 Review actions of Zanzibar
• Programme Manager Fox and
The Government of Zanzibar would not
Lobby government of Zanzibar, Tanzania,
government and Dira newspaper
Programme Manager for Media
review its action to ban Dira . MISA
to lift ban on Dira newspaper
that led to the ban;
Freedom Monitoring visited Daressubsequently considered strategies of
7.2 Conduct relevant research on
Salaam and Zanzibar in December
support to the newspaper, despite the
national media environment to
organisation’s own appraisal that Dira
ascertain MISA’s input/response
• MISA delegation met with different
was wanting in terms of ethical reporting.
7.3 Review MISA’s capacity to assist
stakeholders and agreed on best
Through the SADC Journalists Under Fire
“journalists/media institution under
campaign MISA undertook to support
• MISA delegation presented a report
Dira and in particular its journalists. It
7.4 Meet with relevant stakeholders to
with recommendations to the Legal
was noted that MISA would continue to
mediate on sensitive issue
Defence Fund to support Dira’s court
play the role of a mediator to reconcile
the different parties. The delegation
recommended that MISA support
litigation of the banning order and a
court challenge of the Newspaper and
Book Act of 1988.
MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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