Regional Programme Goal
Establishment of a region where there are no media freedom violations and the media operates freely without political,
commercial and economic interference
• Time-efficient and effective identification, analysis and exposure of each violation of media freedom and right to
information in the 11 SADC countries
Regional Programme
• SADC Journalists under Fire campaign objective: To expose the persecution of journalists in the SADC region, provide
practical support to victims and advocate for an enabling environment for media freedom and freedom of expression
3. SADC Journalists Under Fire campaign
3.1 Review of ‘journalists under fire’ in
• Workshop held in Cape Town, South
The workshop took place in Cape Town
Workshop to refine a strategy for
SADC to ensure relevant
Africa, on May 16 and 17, 2003
on May 16 and 17, directly after the
effective and systematic follow-up to
• Development of SADC Journalists
MISA Information & Advocacy officers’
MISA action alerts in order to effectively
3.2 Preparation of materials;
Under Fire project document which
workshop. The workshop gave an
support victims of media violations in the
3.3 Logistics
opportunity to previous victims of media
outlines four strategies and
SADC region
3.4 Source relevant presenters
accompanying activities.
freedom violations to relate their
experiences and guide MISA in
developing strategies of support to
victims of media freedom violations.
The workshop, more specifically, gave an
opportunity to MISA Information and
Advocacy Officers to hear first-hand how
they should respond to the needs of
media freedom victims.
The SADC Journalists Under Fire project
document was revealed and endorsed by
the 2003 MISA AGM.
4. SADC Journalists Under Fire campaign
4.1 Prepare brief/campaign outline
• Campaign materials designed and
In consultation with an advertising
Development of campaign materials for
4.2 Consult with advertising/media
distributed for national May 3 2003
company MISA was able to produce
launch on May 3, 2003, World Press
activities. Official (regional) launch
campaign materials with distinctive
Freedom Day
4.3 Coordinate design and production of
took place as part of MISA Namibia’s
branding. The MISA website provided an
May 3 activities.
excellent opportunity to showcase the
4.4 Coordinate distribution of materials
campaign to online users.
4.5 Ensure online release of campaign
The launch of the campaign attracted
widespread interest and ensured
4.6 Production of relevant press
extensive coverage from national,
statements/media releases
regional and international media
Additional materials will be produced as
the need arises.

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Select target paragraph3