Regional Programme Goal
Establishment of a region where there are no media freedom violations and the media operates freely without

political, commercial and economic interference

Time-efficient and effective identification, analysis and exposure of each violation of media freedom and right to
information in the 11 SADC countries
Regional Programme
• SADC Journalists under Fire campaign objective: To expose the persecution of journalists in the SADC region, provide
practical support to victims and advocate for an enabling environment for media freedom and freedom of expression
2. Training activity to establish
2.1 Conduct training for information and • Training workshop took place in Cape
The training activity took place in Cape
monit oring guidelines and more effective
advocacy officers
Town, South Africa, from May 12 to
Town from May 12 to 15, 2003, and
dissemination of action alerts; Implement 2.2 Preparation of training materials:
15, 2003
incorporated both MISA Information
a standardised system of reporting on
guidelines on media monitoring;
• Ongoing production and dissemination Officers and Advocacy Officers. Two sets
media freedom violations
resource materials on freedom of
of media freedom alerts
of booklets were produced, ie. a t raining
and reference manual for MISA
• Botswana
2.3 Logistics
Information Officers (Writing • Advocacy
• Lesotho
2.4 Source relevant trainers
• Lobbying) and a resource guide on
• Malawi
media freedom and freedom of
• Mozambique
expression with guidelines on human
• Namibia
rights/media freedom monitoring.
• South Africa
The varied skills levels of information
officers make it difficult to devise relevant
• Swaziland
• Tanzania
training activities.
Despite the training, there are still major
• Zambia
• Zimbabwe
deviations from a standardised alerts
format. The program manager is also
concerned that information officers have
become national implementing officers
for all other programmes and as such do
not spend sufficient time on improving
national media monitoring activities or on
implementing the SADC Journalists Under
Fire campaign.
In order to further capacitate information
officers, the regional secretariat
recognises the need to develop basic
policy documents. Another attempt to
standardise reporting methods is being
developed through an online web-based
interface. The latter two activities will,
however, only be undertaken in 2004.
MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Select target paragraph3