3.2 The nomination procedure for members of the regulation organ is open and transparent, taking into account civil society. Analysis: The National Committee of Equal Access to the State Media includes seven (7) members designated by the state president; the prime minister; the president of the national assembly, the first president of the supreme court; the president of the constitutional court; the president of the high council of territorial communities; the president of the economic, social and cultural council. The committee functions on a state budget. Out of the nine (9) members of the superior communication council (CSC), 3 are designated by the state president; 3 by the president of the national assembly and 3 by the president of the economic, social and cultural council. In these two cases, the members are nominated by the presidents of state institutions and civil society. Individual marks: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Average: 1.0 3.3 The organ regulates the audio-visual communication in the public interest, ensuring equity and diversity of views largely representing society as a whole. Analysis: There is no organ that is strictly oriented on the audio-visual component. Individual marks: 1-1-1-1-2-4-1-1-1-1 Average: 1.4 39