The decisions of the organ on the attribution of licences, in particular, are
guided by an audio-visual communication policy being designed in a transparent and
inclusive manner.
Ordinance no. 92-337/P-CTSP authorizing the creation of private audio-visual
communication services already specifies certain aspects regarding the attribution of
frequencies. There are about 180 radios installed and broadcasting in the country. The
commission of frequency attribution is heterogeneous and working with relative
objectivity. In order to respond to political demands and increasingly pressing demand,
the state tends to submit different media laws for proof-reading.
Individual marks:


The public broadcaster is responsible to the public through the board of
directors, representative for the society as a whole and designated in an independent,
open and transparent manner.
Created by law no. 92-021/AN-RM of 5 October 1992, the Malian Office of Radio and
Television Broadcasting (ORTM), having the status of a public establishment with
administrative character (EPA), shifts from one state radio-television to a public service
Being a supreme instance, the administration council is presided by the minister of
communication, structure and trusteeship of television. The other members are
representatives of different ministries, in particular the departments of culture,
agriculture, economics and finance, and health; the Malian Telecommunications
Company, the Malian Press and Publicity Agency (AMAP). Civil society is represented
by the Malian chamber of commerce and industry, the workers’ union and one
representative of consumer associations.
Individual marks:





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