Sector 3
Regulation of audio-visual communication is transparent and independent. State
media are transformed into true audio-visual media servicing the public.

Audio-visual communication is regulated by an independent organ, sufficiently
protected against any infiltration, particularly, of a political or economic nature.
In Mali, formally there are two (2) regulatory organs: the National Committee of Equal
Access to the State Media (CNEAME) created by Incorporating Act no. 93-001
according to article 7 of the constitution of the High Council of Communication (law no.
The National Committee of Equal Access to the State Media ensures equal access for all
to the state media in conditions set by the laws and regulations in force. In this regard, the
committee will observe an equilibrium and pluralism of information taking into account
different political, economic, social and cultural activities. With equitable management of
air time and editorial space being dedicated to candidates and political training during the
electoral campaigns. The committee is only operational during the electoral period and
does not have an institutional character. It functions on a state budget.

The CSC has a purely consultative character without any power and deals mainly with
the private sector than the public.
The mode of choice of their members does not guarantee any independence of these

Media professionals regret this situation since, according to them, the spirit of
article 7 of the constitution elaborated during the national conference in 1991,
has not been respected by politics. Rather than being a restricted organ for the
regulation of state organs, the question was about an organ in charge of a
guaranteed freedom for the press.
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