2.12 Government does not use its power in awarding publicity contracts to have an influence on media contents. Analysis: The Malian Press and Publicity Agency, a state organ, has a monopoly on publicity. Created by law no. 92-036/AN-RM of 24 December 1992, it has as its missions, among others, to redistribute against payment to national media and private users a world information service obtained by agreement or alliance with other press agencies; to implement the legislation governing publicity in the Republic of Mali; to collect, implement or facilitate the realisation of publicity objects or works; to ensure publicity management of state media and third parties requesting this service; to participate in the implementation of all structures allowing the development of publicity in Mali. If, de jure, the state has the monopoly, de facto, it practices laissez-faire. This practice shows that, in general in Mali, attribution of a market depends on the nature of interpersonal relations since the organs separately wish to conquer the publicity market. However, media employers being constituted in various associations, are the main leaders negotiating with government and subsequently distributing publicity or advertisements between the organs. It may also happen that representatives of the administration negotiate individually with organs of their choice. This will influence the content. Individual marks: 4-3-4-3-4-2-5-4-4-3 Average: 3.6 2.13 The publicity market is large enough to provide a livelihood to several press organs. Analysis: There is a contributory potential if revived and stimulated. The organs don’t have a publicity culture, being the reason why in their organisational system one rarely finds agents whose task it is to do research on publicity. The sector lacks dynamism and aggressiveness. Individual marks: 5-5-4-4-3-3-5-3-3-4 Average: 3.9 Total average of Sector 2: 3.8 37