Individual scores:
1 Country does not meet indicator
2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator
3 Country meets some aspects of indicator
4 Country meets most aspects of indicator
5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.0 (2012 = 3.1, 2010 = 2.3, 2008 = n/a,
2006 = n/a)

2.9 Media cover the full spectrum of economic,
cultur-al, political, social, national and local
perspectives and conduct investigative stories.
Opinions are ambivalent about the extent and distribution of cultural, social,
local an economic perspectives in the media. Media professionals as well as
civil society are of the opinion that the political perspective dominates the
media, focusing of various political facts and sensationalism.
Investigative journalism is rare in Madagascar, due to various reasons. Firstly,
because it is based on in-depth research of various sources and proof, it is very
time consuming. It requires at least three months covering a topic. This work is
very demanding and requires a high degree of professional competence. Some
specialised magazines with more analysis do exist, but their cost is prohibitive.
Information brokerage is opening more doors to investigative journalism. A
customer’s order (for instance an investor) is conducive to analytical work by the
journalist who has the time and the budget to prepare his/her investigation.



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