2.5 Adequate competition legislation/regulation seeks
to prevent media concentration and monopolies.
No legislation exists regarding competition in the media. The Communication Code in
its version prior to June 2016 has raised the necessity to put specific regulations into
place, but this proposal has raised a lot of reluctance. The proposal that business
owners are not allowed to own television channels, newspapers nor radio stations, was
immediately abandoned. Although approved by the Senate and discussed by the
National Assembly, monopolies in the media industry are counter to freedom and the
absence of any regulation is dangerous, the panel warns. This situation negatively
affects the content and threatens media plurality.

Individual scores:
1 Country does not meet indicator
2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator

Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.3 (2012 = 1.6, 2010 = 1.5, 2008 = 1.8,
2006 = 2.0 )

2.6 Government promotes a diverse media landscape
with economically sustainable and independent
media outlets.
At present, there are only two media enterprises in Madagascar, which are
economically viable. Diversity is thus under threat. The government is not
making any specific efforts to develop diversity, rather preferring media
The State also receives income tax on profits made by the print media, which is
set to increase. The cost of advertising signs is reaching exorbitant levels that fill
State coffers. On the other hand, certain announcements made by the government
in the media remain unpaid, especially radio announcements. Thus, according to
general opinion, the State does not provide favourable conditions for the
establishment of a diversified and economically viable press.

This proposal encountered the same reluctance in the old versions of the Communication Code, although it has been
retained in the Code of June 2016. Please refer to the notes on the Communication Code in the Introduction



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