

Broadcasting regulation is transparent and
independent, the state broadcaster is transformed
into a truly public broadcaster.

Broadcasting is regulated by an independent body
adequately protected against interference, particularly of
a political and economic nature.

Broadcasting in Malawi is regulated by the Malawi Communications
Regulatory Authority (MACRA) established by the Communications
Act 1998. The Authority is nominally independent.
Members of the MACRA Board are, however, appointed by the State
President while the Minister of Information appoints the Director
General of the authority. The Secretary to the President and Cabinet and the Secretary for Information also sit on the board as ex-officio members.
The present chairperson of the board is an executive of the ruling party. Others are informally affiliated to political parties, being
active without necessarily having a formal post. The language of
the law allows this by excluding only persons who are “a member
of a committee of a political party” from the eligibility as a board
member. No board since 1999 has ever served its full tenure of four
years. Instead members were dismissed by the State President without giving any substantial reasons.
Individual scores:

3, 2, 4, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1

Average score:


African Media Barometer - Malawi 2006


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