
The appointments procedure for members of the regulatory
body is open and transparent and involves civil society.

As outlined under 3.1 the members of the board are appointed at
the discretion of the President without any involvement of the public or civil society.
Individual scores:

2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1

Average score:



The body regulates broadcasting in the public interest and
ensures fairness and diversity of views broadly representing
society at large.

The Authority has licensed all broadcasters, including the state
broadcasters MBC and TVM. All operators are expected to establish
a mechanism to deal with complaints from the public. Complainants
are also encouraged to lodge their grievances directly with the office of the Authority.
MACRA has recently acquired equipment for frequency spectrum
monitoring but very little is known about what the authority does
with its media monitoring reports or how it adjudicates on public
complaints. Its meetings are held behind closed doors and its reports are not published.


African Media Barometer - Malawi 2006

Select target paragraph3