is very scant, there are no human rights-based programmes and no
programmes servicing minority religious groups. In fact, recently
members of the Bahai faith applied for airtime, but were reportedly
denied on the basis that they do not preach the gospel. SBIS and the
Ministry of Home Affairs are now negotiating their application.
There was considerable concern about the station’s continued commitment to broadcast a satirical show called ‘Khalamdumbadumbane’, where the presenters are frequently accused of perpetuating
harmful gender stereotypes and being misogynists. It was said the
show does a disservice to women and to the cause of gender equality, particularly because the main presenter is the traditional prime
minister and wields enormous influence.
There is much less diversity of programming on Swazi TV than on
radio. The programme guide is still dominated by foreign content
– news (CNN and Deutsche Welle), movies and soap operas. There
has been a slight increase in local content in the last two years, but
the lack of programme diversity is still severe enough to drive many
(those who can afford it) to watch South African television.
Individual scores:

3, 3, 5, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3

Average score:




The public broadcaster offers balanced and fair
information reflecting the full spectrum of
diverse views and opinions.

The last two years have seen a slight improvement at SBIS in providing balanced and fair content. The daily breakfast show, for exAfrican Media Barometer - Swaziland 2007


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