Broadcasting Corporation to become a public service broadcaster with
universal service obligation.
The Charter shall ensure that the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation is pursuing
its goals and exercising its powers, enjoys the freedom of expression, journalistic
creativeness and programming free from interference from the government and
other stakeholders.
Panellists were of the opinion that in practise, the TBC lacked editorial
independence and was generally perceived as serving the interest of the
government of the day. It is equally regarded as a mouthpiece serving the ruling
party and often demonstrates uncensored prejudice towards the opposition and
critical voices. One panellist said both executives and journalists are forced to
‘toe the line’ once they join the TBC and advocate for government policies, even
though they had been critical journalists before being appointed to their current
Panellists said past managers who have tried to reform the TBC to uphold its
editorial independence and open up to diverse views have run into problems.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:







2006: n/a; 2008: n/a; 2010: n/a; 2012: n/a; 2015: 2.2

3.6 The state/public broadcaster is adequately
funded in a manner that protects it from political
interference through its budget and from
commercial pressure
According to panellists, the TBC was not adequately funded and annual
budgetary allocations from the ministry can only pay salaries and basic operations
– to the detriment of business development and programming. To reach a wider
audience, the corporation has been forced to enter agreements with community
radios to air TBC programmes such as newscasts in rural areas. In the absence
of TV licence charges, the corporation relies heavily on revenue from advertising.
Panellists said it was unclear how much TBC made from advertising. However,
they felt commercial pressure had less impact on TBC’s operations than political



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