3.4 The state/public broadcaster is accountable to the
public through an independent board which is
representative of society at large and selected in
an independent, open and transparent manner
The TBC was established in 2007 by an Order under the Public Corporation Act
(2018). It is headed by a director-general and overseen by a board of directors.
Both the director-general and the board chair are appointed by the president,
while other board members are appointed by the minister, each for three-year
terms. Board members lack security of tenure as the appointing authority can
revoke their appointment prior to the completion of their term.
Panellists were of the view that given the procedures for appointment, the TBC
board could not be considered independent. The current board was appointed
in 2016.24 Despite their unfavourable assessment of its independence, panellists
were not familiar with most members of the current board and could, therefore,
not tell if they represented society at large.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:









2006: 1.5; 2008: 1.7; 2010: 1.9; 2012: 2.3; 2015: 2.1

3.5 The editorial independence of the state/public
broadcaster from political influence is guaranteed
by law and practised to ensure balanced and fair
news and current affairs programmes
The Order creating the TBC states that it ‘shall encourage Tanzanian expression
by offering a wide range of programmes’. In Section 7 (1-2), the TBC Order
grants the broadcaster a public broadcasting duty and editorial independence.
It states that:
Subject to provisions of the Tanzanian Communication Regulatory
Authority Act, there shall be a Charter between the Tanzania
Broadcasting Corporation and the Minister empowering Tanzania



Select target paragraph3