Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:







2006: n/a; 2008: n/a; 2010: 2.1; 2012: 2.5; 2015: 1.5

3.7 The state/public broadcaster offers diverse
programming and formats that cater for all
interests, including local content and quality public
interest programmes
TBC offers a broad range of programmes that cover subjects from politics to
fashion. Panellists said most of these programmes, however, are intended to
promote government actions and portray the authorities positively – rather than
serve all interests. It is common for programmes discussing sensitive political
issues to suddenly go off the air.
A public campaign to discuss the constitutional draft, including live broadcasts
of debates, suddenly went off the air after only a few minutes. It was replaced
by a cookery show. And it is common that they [TBC] fill the airwaves with
programmes that serve no real interest rather than have political programmes
that present views that are different from the governments.
Some panellists claimed several critical voices (mostly opposition figures and
human rights defenders) have been barred from appearing on TBC. The state
broadcaster itself has been forced to pull the plug on popular programmes,
mainly when they are unable to control what guests might say.
One panellist described how one popular slot on the news disappeared:
TBC used to have a commentary slot called In Between the News, where
an expert or analyst would be invited to comment about some important
news development. At one time, the president pardoned people who
had squandered public money. An activist was called to comment on the
decision. Before going on air, he was told, “Today you have to be positive
and praise the government for doing something good”. But once on the
air, he said it was wrong for a presidential pardon to be granted before
any court trial to find the accused guilty or exonerate them. From that
day, In Between the News was killed.



Select target paragraph3