No. 34


(f) to facilitate the provision of affordable communication
(g) to facilitate technology neutrality; and
(h) to ensure consumer protection.
3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires__

“access” means making available facilities or services of any
licensee under defined conditions, on exclusive or non-exclusive
basis, for the purpose of providing communications services,
including access to__
(a) network elements and associated facilities, which may
involve the connection of equipment by fixed or non-fixed
means, and includes access to the local loop, facilities and
services necessary to provide services over the local loop;
(b) physical infrastructure, including buildings, cable
engineering networks, ducts, masts and poles;
(c) relevant software systems, including operational support
(d) number translation facilities, or to systems offering
equivalent functionality;
(e) fixed and mobile networks, in particular for roaming;
(f) conditional access systems for digital television services;
(g) virtual network services;

“allocation” means the apportionment of a given scarce
resource for the purpose of its use by one or more communications services under given conditions;

“apparatus” means equipment, an instrument, or any other
object for use in the provision or the reception of communications
services, and includes a fitting to, or accessory of, the equipment,
instrument or object;

“Authority” means the Malawi Communications Regulatory
Authority established under section 4;

“broadcasting” means any form of transmission of content
intended for reception by the public whether conveyed by means
of radio or electronic communications;

“broadcasting service” means any service that consists of
broadcasting, but does not include__
(a) a service that provides only data or text, whether with or
without associated still images;



Select target paragraph3