8 Communications No. 34 SECTION 201. Power to make rules 202. Consultations with interested parties 203. Repeal and savings 204. Transitional provisions 205. Legal proceedings 206. Transfer of assets, funds, liabilities, etc. 207. Transfer of employees FIRST SChEdULE SECONd SChEdULE ThIRd SChEdULE An Act to provide for the regulation of the provision of services in the electronic communications sector, posts, information society; for the establishment of the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority, the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation and the Malawi Posts Corporation; and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Short title and commencement Objectives ENACTEd by the Parliament of Malawi as follows__ PART I__PRELIMINARy 1. This Act may be cited as the Communications Act, 2016, and shall come into force on a date to be appointed by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette. 2. The objectives of this Act are__ (a) to recognize the convergence of technologies and services for telecommunications, broadcasting, and information through the establishment of technology and service-neutral licensing regimes; (b) to remove unnecessary barriers to entry, and attract investment, in the communications sector; (c) to facilitate the deployment and use of communications services; (d) to encourage the adoption of new services and technologies within the communications sector; (e) to encourage the participation of indigenous Malawians in the communications sector;