
No. 34

(b) a service in which the provision of audio-visual material
or audio material is incidental to the provision of that service;
(c) a service or a class of service that the Authority may, by
regulation, prescribe;

“broadcasting signal distribution” means the process whereby
the output signal of a broadcasting service is taken from the point
of origin, being the point where such signal is made available in
its final content format, and is conveyed to any broadcast target
area by means of electronic communications, and includes
multi-channel distribution;

“class assignment” means an assignment issued by the
Authority pursuant to this Act, granting entities, subject to certain
rules, the right to use frequencies or numbers, as specified by the
“class assignee” means the holder of a class assignment;

“class licence” means a licence issued by the Authority, as
distinct from an individual licence, issued on the same terms to
each applicant of a category of users in respect of the operation
of a type of an electronic communications network or communications service that does not require the use of scarce resources;
“class licensee” means the holder of a class licence;

“commercial broadcasting” means a broadcasting service
operating for profit or as part of a profit entity, but excludes any
public broadcasting service;

“common carrier” means an entity licensed to provide
electronic communications network services and is obliged to
provide signal distribution for broadcasting services on a
non-discriminatory and non-exclusive basis;

“communications service” refers to any electronic communications service, broadcasting service or postal service;

“communications technology” means the application of
communications and computing technologies to the creation,
management and use of information through the use of hardware,
software, networks, as well as media for the collection, storage,
processing, transmission and presentation of information and
related services;

“community” includes a geographically founded community
or a group of entities or sector of the public, having a specific and
ascertainable common interest;

Select target paragraph3