No. 34


(5) Subject to the general or special directions of the Board and
to the provisions of this Act, every committee of the Board of the
Malawi Broadcasting Corporation shall have the power to
determine its own procedure.

(6) The Chairperson of the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation shall not be a member of any committee of the Board.
117.__(1) The Board of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
shall, appoint the director general, who shall be the chief executive
officer of the Corporation and shall, subject to the general
supervision of the Board, be responsible for the day to day
operations of the Corporation.
(2) The director general shall be appointed to a term of office of
three years, and may be re-appointed for further two terms of three
years each.
(3) The director general shall be removed from office on any of
the following grounds__
(a) incompetence;

(b) misconduct that brings the Corporation into disrepute;
(c) undischarged bankruptcy;

(d) non-disclosure of interest;

(e) if he has been convicted by a competent court of a crime
which is punishable with imprisonment without an option of a
(f) involvement in active politics; or

(g) incapability to perform his duties as director general by
reason of mental or physical infirmity.

(4) The director general shall not be removed from office unless
he has been given an opportunity to be heard.

(5) The director general or, in his absence, such other employee
of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation as he may designate, shall
attend meetings of the Board of the Corporation and of any
committees of the Board and may address such meetings, but shall
not vote on any matter.

(6) The Board of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation shall
appoint other staff subordinate to the director general after calling
for nominations by way of public advertisement, and the
appointment shall only be based on qualification, experience and
capacity in matters relating to the operational requirements of the


general and
employees of
the Malawi

Select target paragraph3