
No. 34

(2) The Chairperson of the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation shall convene meetings of the of the Board by giving
the members at least seven days' written notice, unless the
Chairperson notifies the members in writing that the urgency of the
matter to be discussed requires a shorter period of notice.

(3) The quorum for any meeting of the Board of the Malawi
Broadcasting Corporation shall be two thirds of all members of the

(4) The Chairperson of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
shall preside at any meeting of the Board, and in his absence, the
members present shall elect one of the members to preside at the
(5) A decision of the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation at any meeting shall be that of half of the members
present at the meeting, and in the event of an equality of votes, the
person presiding shall have a casting vote in addition to his
deliberative vote.
(6) Subject to this Act, the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation shall have the power to determine its own procedure.

of the Board
of the Malawi

(7) Meetings of the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation shall be held at a place and at a time that the
Chairperson of the Board may direct, but the director general
may, in the absence of the Chairperson and before the election
of an interim Chairperson under subsection (4), convene such
116.__(1) The Board of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
may establish one or more committees, and delegate to any such
committee or committees any of its functions as it considers

(2) The Board of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation may
invite any person to attend any of the meetings of its committees,
and that person shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations of
the meetings, but shall not have the right to vote.

(3) The chairperson of every committee of the Board of the
Malawi Broadcasting Corporation shall be a person who is a
member of the Board.

(4) A member of a committee of the Board of the Malawi
Broadcasting Corporation shall be paid such allowances from the
funds of the Corporation as the Minister responsible for public
service may, on recommendation of the Board, approve.

Select target paragraph3