
No. 34

(7) The staff appointed by the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation under subsection (6) shall not be below the rank of

(8) The director general shall have the power to appoint, subject
to procedure for public service recruitment, employees below the
rank of director.
(9) The Board of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation shall pay
the employees of the Corporation such remuneration, allowances,
pension, gratuities and other employment benefits as the Board may,
after having obtained professional advice, consider as being
competitive in the employment market in Malawi.

Funds of the

Cap. 37:02

(10) A member of the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation, an employee, a consultant, an adviser and a
subcontractor of the Corporation shall sign an oath of secrecy upon
being appointed on the Board or being engaged by the Corporation,
as the case may be.
118.__(1) The funds of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
shall consist of__
(a) such sums as may, from time to time, be appropriated to the
Corporation by Parliament;
(b) such moneys or other assets as may accrue to or vest in the
Corporation by way of grants, subsidies, donations, bequests,
gifts, subscriptions, rents, interest or royalties, from the
government or any other person;
(c) such sums as are derived from the sale of any property by
or on behalf of the Corporation;
(d) fees and charges payable under this Act; and
(e) any charges that the Corporation may raise in respect of
commercial advertising, sponsored programmes and other

(2) The Malawi Broadcasting Corporation may, subject to any
directions of a general nature which may be given to the Board by
the Minister of Finance, invest on short term deposit with any bank
or financial institution in Malawi such part of its funds that are not
immediately required for the purposes of its operations.

(3) Subject to the Public Finance Management Act, the Malawi
Broadcasting Corporation may borrow money for the purposes of
carrying out its duties and functions by__
(a) issuing loan stock on such terms as may be approved by the
Minister of Finance; or

Select target paragraph3