No. 34



of the Board shall elect one amongst themselves to exercise the
powers and perform the duties of the Chairperson, until a new
Chairperson is appointed.
113.__(1) A member of the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation, other than an ex officio member, shall hold office for a
period of three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment to one
more term.

Tenure of
office and

(2) The office of a member of the Board of the Malawi
Broadcasting Corporation shall become vacant, if the member__
(a) resigns;
(b) dies;

(c) is declared bankrupt;

(d) knowingly fails to declare a conflict of interest relating to
any matter under consideration by the Board;

(e) is absent, without a good and justifiable reason, from three
consecutive meetings of the Board of which he has had prior

(f) becomes, by reason of mental or physical infirmity,
incapable of performing his duties as a member;
(g) is found guilty of conduct that brings the Corporation into
disrepute; or
(h) is disqualified under section 112(5).

(3) A vacancy on the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation shall be filled by the appointment of a new member in
accordance with the manner provided for in section 111 as read with
section 112, and the member so appointed shall hold office for the
unexpired period of his predecessor's term of office, but the
vacancy may not be filled if the unexpired period is less than six

114. A member of the Board of the Malawi Broadcasting
Corporation shall be paid, allowances and other benefits from the
funds of the Corporation, as the Minister responsible for public
service may, on recommendation of the Board, from time to time,
115.__(1) The Board of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation, in
consultation with the director general, shall meet to conduct the
business of the Board at least once every three months, at such
places and times as the Chairperson may determine.

honoraria of
members of
the Board of
the Malawi
Meetings of
the Board of
the Malawi

Select target paragraph3