No. 34


(4) A licensee may, in agreement with another party, modify the
terms or conditions of an agreement after complying with the
approval requirements under section 64:


Provided that where the approval has been granted, the licensee
shall resubmit the modified agreement to the Authority for
(5) The Authority shall register an agreement reached pursuant to
this Part within fourteen working days from the date the agreement
was submitted to the Authority.

(6) Any information obtained by a network service licensee from
another network service licensee and which, at the time it was
obtained, was previously unknown and publicly unavailable, shall
remain publicly unavailable and shall be used only for the purpose
for which it was supplied.

68.__(1) The Authority shall annually publish in the Gazette a list
of electronic communications networks of licensees whose access
may be shared with other licensees.

(2) For purposes of providing communication services to the
public, a licensee shall have the right to request and negotiate in
good faith an agreement for access to an electronic communication

(3) A licensee who has received a request pursuant to subsection
(2) shall, for purposes of providing communication services to the
public, be obliged to negotiate such an agreement.

(4) A licensee who has received a request pursuant to subsection
(2) may refuse the request on any of the following grounds__
(a) that the request for access is unreasonable;
(b) that the space available is insufficient to implement such
(c) that the licensee may be prejudiced; or
(d) that the access may cause irreparable damage to the
property of the licensee.

(5) where parties fail to reach an agreement within a period of
forty two days from the date of receiving a written request, the
matter may be referred to the Authority by either party for examination and determination, and the Authority may order the requested
licensee to allow access to its electronic communication networks
on such terms and conditions as the Authority may prescribe.

and access to
communication networks

Select target paragraph3