Registration of


No. 34

(6) Any network service licensee shall, for purposes of providing
communication services to the public, offer access to a licensee who
has requested access__
(a) on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and
conditions, particularly with respect to price; and
(b) of at least the same technical quality as the technical
quality provided on the electronic communication network of the
requesting licensee or, as the case may be, of the requesting
licensee's own communications services.

(7) The Authority may, from time to time, make rules prescribing
any matters that the Authority shall consider necessary for inclusion
in access agreements.
69.__(1) Parties to an access agreement shall not implement the
agreement without first having it registered with the Authority.

(2) Any access agreement reached pursuant to this Part shall be
submitted to the Authority for registration within fourteen working
days from the date the agreement was signed by all the parties, and
such agreement shall be open to inspection by the public at the
premises of the Authority.

(3) The Authority shall maintain a register of all access
agreements entered into which shall, without revealing the terms
and conditions of the agreement, contain the names of the parties to
the agreement, a general description of the matter governed by the
agreement and the effective date and duration of the agreement.

(4) Any information obtained by either party to an access
agreement as a result of a negotiation and which, at the time it was
obtained, was previously unknown to the party obtaining it and
publicly unavailable may, for as long as the information remains
publicly unavailable, be used only for the purpose for which it was
70.__(1) where an electronic communication service licensee
Co-location and
infrastructure intends to install any facility on, over or under a public or private
land, or to use the land in any way, the licensee shall have the right
to negotiate in good faith and enter into a co-location or infrastructure sharing agreement with the relevant infrastructure provider.
(2) A co-location and infrastructure sharing agreement shall be in
writing and shall set out the contractual terms and conditions agreed
by the parties, including__

Select target paragraph3