
No. 34

(2) The application made under subsection (1) shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed interconnection agreement.

(3) Upon receipt of the application and the proposed interconnection agreement, the Authority shall, within thirty days, consider and
make a decision on the application.

Order to enter
into an

(4) where the Authority fails to make a decision on the
application within the thirty days, the application shall be deemed to
have been approved by the Authority.
65.__(1) The Authority may, on its own motion or upon a request
from any application service or network service licensee, order two
or more licensees to enter into an interconnection agreement if__
(a) a negotiated agreement is not possible; or

(b) the Authority is of the view that such agreement shall
promote fair competition.


Registration of

(2) Before making an order under subsection (1), the Authority
shall give each licensee a notice of thirty days, stating the reasons
for the intended order and to give the licensees an opportunity to
make representations.
66.__(1) Notwithstanding any interconnection agreement, the
Authority may fix maximum interconnection rates.

(2) For the purpose of determining interconnection rates under
subsection (1), the Authority shall take into account__
(a) accessibility and affordability of electronic communication
services; and
(b) fair treatment and competition among licensees.
67.__(1) The Authority shall maintain a register of all
interconnection agreements entered into by application service and
network service licensees, which shall, without revealing the terms
and conditions of the agreement, contain the names of the parties, a
general description of the matter governed by the agreement and the
effective date and duration of the agreement.

(2) Any interconnection agreement reached pursuant to this Part
shall be submitted to the Authority for registration within fourteen
working days from the date the agreement was signed by all the
parties, and such agreement shall be open to inspection by the
public at the premises of the Authority.

(3) The Authority may request modification of the terms or
conditions of an agreement submitted to it pursuant to subsection
(2), and where an agreement has been modified, it shall be
re-submitted to the Authority for registration.

Select target paragraph3