No. 34


the two licensees to interconnect for the purposes of enabling
the provision of electronic communications services to the


(2) Subject to subsection (4), upon receipt of the application
referred to in subsection (1), the licensee who has received the
application shall be obliged to interconnect for the purposes of
enabling the provision of electronic communications services to the
(3) An interconnection request made pursuant to subsection (1)
shall include the following__
(a) the type of interconnection required;

(b) the technical requirements based on the technical standard
of interconnection provision;
(c) the date when interconnection is required; and

(d) an estimate of the interconnection capacity required.
(4) An electronic communications services licensee may refuse
an interconnection request on any of the following grounds__
(a) that the interconnection request is unreasonable;
(b) that the application service or network service licensee
would be prejudiced; or
(c) that the interconnection would cause irreparable damage to
the property of the licensee.
63.__(1) Parties to an interconnection agreement shall negotiate
technical and commercial terms of the agreement in a fair and
transparent manner.

(2) In order to ensure compliance with this Act or regulations
made under it, the Authority may, on its own initiative, during the
course of negotiations between the parties, set out matters that the
interconnection agreement shall contain.


(3) where parties fail to reach an agreement within two months,
the Authority may order the interconnection of the parties'
electronic communications networks on such terms and conditions
as the Authority may determine.

(4) The Authority shall issue minimum guidelines in accordance
with which application service or network service licensees shall
negotiate interconnection agreements.
64.__(1) Licensees shall, after negotiating an interconnection
agreement, submit to the Authority an application for approval of
the interconnection.

for approval
of interconnection

Select target paragraph3