Power to


No. 34

activities sufficiently detailed to allow the Authority identify all
elements of revenue and costs, together with the basis for their
(e) for the purpose of enabling the provision of communications services to the public in relation to the communications
services market concerned, offer access to a licensee requesting
for the access; and
(f) comply with any other obligation as determined by the
Authority from time to time.

59. If it appears to the Authority that a licensee is taking or
intends to take any action that__
(a) may constitute an abuse of a dominant position in relation
to the provision of any electronic communications service; or
(b) has or is likely to have the effect of placing another
licensee engaged in communications activities at a competitive
disadvantage in relation to that licensee,

the Authority may, after giving the licensee concerned an
opportunity to make representations, order the licensee to cease or
refrain from taking such action.



60.__(1) An application service or network service licensee may,
with the approval of the Authority, enter into an agreement with any
other application service or network service licensee for the
purpose of connecting their application or network services on
terms and conditions that the licensees may agree.

(2) The interconnection agreement shall be in writing and shall
set out the contractual terms and conditions agreed by the parties,
(i) the interconnection location between the two networks;
(ii) the interconnection costs;
(iii) the interconnection charges; and
(iv) maintenance fees.

Rules for
terminal rates

(3) The Authority may make rules prescribing any matter which
it considers necessary for inclusion in interconnection agreements.

61. The Authority shall make rules prescribing interconnection
terminal rates to be applied by all licensees when negotiating
interconnection agreements.
62.__(1) A licensee who is entitled to interconnection as
determined by the Authority may request to another licensee for

Select target paragraph3