No. 34


(b) state the terms and conditions on which it is issued;
(c) specify the services that may be provided; and
(d) come into effect upon publication in the Gazette.

(2) The Authority shall ensure that all licences issued under this
Act have standard terms and conditions in respect of the category or
type of the licence.
41.__(1) The Authority may amend a licence__

(a) if it is necessary in the interest of the efficient management
of the communications sector and provided that the amendment
shall not cause substantial prejudice to the licensee;
(b) if it is necessary to comply with any international agreement to which Malawi is a party;
(c) if it is in the public interest; or
(d) with the agreement of the licensee.


of a licence

(2) where the Authority intends to amend a licence, it shall
publish the proposed amendment in the Gazette for public
comments and allow not less than thirty days from the date of the
publication to give an opportunity to any person with an interest in
the matter to make representations.

(3) Upon receipt of the representations on amendment of the
licence under this section, the Authority shall consider the representations and determine whether to effect the amendment or not.

(4) The amendment of the licence under this section shall come
into effect upon final publication in the Gazette.
42.__(1) A licensee shall not transfer, assign, pledge or otherwise
dispose of its licence or any rights thereunder within twelve months
of being granted the licence.

(2) Subject to subsection (1), a licensee shall not transfer, assign,
pledge or otherwise dispose of the licence or any rights unless the
licensee has rolled out its services.

(3) A licensee shall not transfer, assign, pledge or otherwise
dispose of its licence or any rights thereunder, without the prior
written consent of the Authority, which consent may be given
subject to such reasonable terms and conditions as the Authority
may impose, provided that the Authority shall not unreasonably
withhold the consent.

(4) A licensee may apply to the Authority in the prescribed
manner for consent to transfer, assign, pledge or otherwise dispose
of its licence or any rights thereunder.

etc., of a
licence or

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