of rules
relating to
type or
category of

for a licence


No. 34

35. An electronic communications licensee shall maintain a
local shareholding of at least twenty per cent.
36.__(1) The Authority shall publish in the Gazette and any other
media, rules relating to each type or category of licence that may be
issued under this Act.

(2) where a type or category of a licence is not provided for in
the rules, the Authority shall, within a reasonable time, adopt
provisional conditions allowing a person to start providing an
electronic communications service, refuse the licence application,
or exempt the person from the requirement of obtaining the licence.
37.__(1) A person who wishes to provide electronic communications services shall apply to the Authority for a licence in the
prescribed manner.

(2) The Authority may, within thirty days of receiving the
application, request further details or information in respect of the
(3) The Authority shall, within sixty days of receiving an application, grant or reject the application for a licence.

grant of a
through a

Issue of a

general licence

(4) The Authority shall, where an application for a licence is
rejected, inform the applicant accordingly in writing, giving reasons
why the application was rejected.
38.__(1) The Authority shall, where the operation of an electronic communications services requires the allocation of scarce
resources, grant a licence through a restricted procedure in
accordance with this Act.

(2) where the Authority considers that the granting of a licence
should be subject to a restricted procedure, the choice of the
successful applicant shall be based, as far as reasonably possible, on
objective criteria made known to all applicants in advance.
39. The Authority shall issue a licence under this Act if__
(a) the application complies with the provision of this Act; and

(b) the applicant is financially and technically capable of
meeting his obligations and the terms and conditions of the
40.__(1) A licence issued by the Authority shall__

(a) be issued on payment by the applicant of the appropriate
initial licence fees;

Select target paragraph3