
No. 34

(5) An application made under subsection (4) shall be accompanied by an application for grant of a licence by the person to whom
the licensee intends to transfer the licence.

(6) The Authority shall, in considering an application for the
transfer of a licence, have regard to the same terms and conditions
as those that apply to the grant of a new licence, but the Authority
may, in its discretion, refuse to grant the application.
(7) For purposes of this section__

(a) “transfer of licence” includes the acquisition of control of
the licence holder; and
(b) “control” as used with respect to any person, means the
possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or affect
the direction of the management of that person, whether through
the ownership of shares, voting, securities, partnership or other
ownership interests, agreement or otherwise.

(8) The Authority shall grant or refuse to grant its consent to
transfer a licence or any rights thereunder, within thirty days from
the date of application.

or revocation
of a licence

(9) where consent is not granted, the Authority shall, within
fourteen days from the date a decision not to grant the consent was
made, provide a written explanation to the applicant, giving reasons
for not granting the consent.
43.__(1) The Authority may suspend or revoke a licence granted
under this Act if__
(a) the licensee has failed to comply with this Act or the terms
and conditions of his licence;
(b) the licensee has contravened the provisions of any other
written law relevant to the communications sector;
(c) the licensee has failed to comply with any rules or lawful
orders given by the Authority;
(d) the licensee__
(i) enters into receivership or liquidation;
(ii) takes any action for its voluntary winding-up or dissolution;
(iii) enters into any scheme of arrangement, other than in any
such case for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation,
upon terms and within a period as may previously have been
approved in writing by the Authority; or
(iv) is the subject of any order made by a competent court or
tribunal for its compulsory winding-up or dissolution;

Select target paragraph3