No. 34



13. A member of the Authority shall not be removed from
office on grounds set out in section 11(2) (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g),
except after due inquiry, and only upon a decision of the appointing
14.__(1) The Authority shall meet to conduct the business of the
Board at least once every three months, at such places and times as
the Chairperson may, in consultation with the director general,

from office of
a member of
the Authority
Meetings of
the Authority

(2) The Chairperson of the Authority shall convene meetings of
the Authority by giving the members at least seven days written
notice, unless the Chairperson notifies the members in writing that
the urgency of the matter to be discussed requires a shorter period
of notice.

(3) The quorum for any meeting of the Authority shall be two
thirds of all members of the Authority.
15.__(1) The Authority may, for the purpose of performing its
functions under this Act, establish committees of the Authority, and
delegate to any such committees any of its functions as it considers

of the

(2) The Chairperson of every committee shall be a person who is
a member of the Authority, but an ex-officio member shall not be a

(3) The Chairperson of the Authority shall not be a member of a

(4) The Authority shall pay a member of a committee, from the
funds of the Authority, an allowance that the Minister responsible
for public service may, on recommendation of the Board, approve
for attendance at meetings of the committee.

(5) Subject to the general or special directions of the Authority
and to the provisions of this Act, every committee of the Authority
shall have power to determine its own procedure.

16. The Authority may, at its discretion, invite any person with
specific knowledge, information or expertise to attend any of its
meetings and address it on a matter, but such person shall not be
eligible to vote at the meeting on any decision of the Authority.

17. without prejudice to the generality of section 6, the
Authority shall have the power to__
(a) issue guidance, and give directions to the director general;
(b) approve strategic plans, action plans and budget support
programmes submitted by the director general;


powers of the

Select target paragraph3