
(d) is an undischarged bankrupt;

No. 34

(e) has, within the last three years, been convicted by a competent court of a crime which is punishable with imprisonment
without an option of a fine;
(f) is a minor; or

Chairperson of
the Authority

Tenure and
vacation of
office of
members of
the Authority

(g) holds or has a direct or indirect interest of five per cent
shareholding in an entity holding a licence or authorization issued
under this Act, or has any other direct or indirect financial
interest in any licensee.
10.__(1) The President shall appoint one of the members of the
Authority as Chairperson.

(2) In the event of the office of the Chairperson becoming vacant,
members of the Authority shall elect one amongst themselves to
exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Chairperson, until
a new Chairperson is appointed
11.__(1) A member of the Authority, other than an ex-officio
member, shall hold office for a period of three years and shall be
eligible for re-appointment for one more term.
(2) Subject to section 13, the office of a member of the Authority,
other than an ex-officio member, shall become vacant__
(a) if he resigns;

(b) upon his death;

(c) if he knowingly fails to declare a conflict of interest
relating to any matter under consideration by the Authority;

(d) if he has been absent from three consecutive meetings of
the Authority, of which he has had prior notice, without a reasonable cause;

(e) if he becomes, by reason of mental or physical infirmity,
incapable of efficiently performing his duties as a member of the
(f) if he becomes disqualified by reason of section 9; or

Filling of

(g) if he is guilty of conduct that brings disrepute to the

12. A vacancy on the membership of the Authority shall be
filled by the appointment of a new member in accordance with
section 7 as read with section 8, and the member so appointed shall
hold office for the unexpired period of his predecessor's term of
office, but the vacancy may not be filled if the unexpired period is
less than six months.

Select target paragraph3