
No. 34

(c) approve annual reports and financial reports submitted by
the director general;

(d) hire consultants to assist the Authority in the discharge of
its functions, where necessary; and

honoraria of
members of
the Authority

The director
general of the

(e) issue rules, directives, opinions and make recommendations
on any recurrent question related to the regulated missions of the
Authority as defined under this Act.
18.__(1) A member of the Authority shall be paid such
allowances or other benefits as the Minister responsible for public
service may, on recommendation of the Authority, from time to
time, approve.

(2) The allowances and other benefits referred to in subsection (1)
shall be paid from the funds of the Authority.
19.__(1) The Authority shall, appoint the director general who
shall be the chief executive officer of the Authority and shall,
subject to the general supervision of the Authority, be responsible
for the day to day operations of the Authority.
(2) The director general of the Authority shall be a person with
sufficient experience and qualifications in any of the following
(i) communications industry;
(ii) finance;
(iii) economics;
(iii) engineering;
(iv) accountancy;
(v) commerce;
(vi) law; or
(vii) administration,

Tenure of
office of the
general of the

and shall be required to demonstrate knowledge and excellence in
one or more of the areas of electronic communications, postal and
broadcasting services.
20.__(1) The director general of the Authority shall be
appointed to a term of office of three years, and may be re-appointed for further two terms of three years each.

(2) The director general of the Authority shall be removed from
office on any of the following grounds__
(a) incompetence;
(b) misconduct that brings the Authority into disrepute;

Select target paragraph3