Reporting formats vary from single-source spot accounts of events to more
in-depth multi-source stories, magazine programmes and documentaries.
These variations depend not only on the newsroom orientations but on the
resourcefulness of reporters and the means at their disposal. A rise in donorfunded journalism has increased the volume of in-depth reporting, marked
by an increase in the coverage of underreported issues and the exploration of
emerging techniques such as data-driven reporting and fact-checking. More
recently, journalists have also delved into more technical areas. For example,
Dubawa (a fact-checking site) specialises in the oil and gas sector.
Despite apparent progress in other areas, panellists observed that investigative
journalism has been on the decline. Developments in recent years, including
training by organisations such as the McArthur Foundation and the passing of
the FOI Act which eases access to information, have all attributed to this decline.
According to one panellist:
Investigative journalism is one of our weak points. Those in the print
media are supposed to break down what is breaking. But we do not
have the capacity and funds. Investigative journalism costs money. The
report that brought down [President Joseph] Estrada in the Philippines
cost 8 million dollars.
In a nutshell, Nigerian media are open to all subjects and media formats, but only
to the extent to which the resourcefulness of, and means available to, journalists

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:





2008: 4; 2011: 3; 2015: 3

2.10 Private broadcasters deliver a minimum of quality
public interest programmes
After years of experimentation, the quality of Nigerian private broadcast media
productions has improved, with programming and productions aligned with
public interest. An example is Channels TV, which is noted for authoritative
and factual programmes that project multiple voices. Television Continental
has earned respect for fair analyses and debates on its programme Journalists’



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