by professional organisations. This has been the case with representatives of
associations that defend the rights of media professionals,.
The relationship between the Ministry of Communication and the CSAC is almost
one of subordination. Disregarding the provisions governing the CSAC, the
Minister, it needs to be added, decided to suspend two audiovisual media entities
(Lisanga Télévision and Canal Futur Télévision) belonging to a former Member of
Parliament and former Speaker of the National Assembly respectively.
Even mayors infringe on the CSAC’s prerogatives. Among them, a town councillor
of the city of Butembo in Northern Kivu, in the East of the DRC, decided to close
down “Radio Freedom” in April 2012 without any decision by the CSAC.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:


3.3 The body, which regulates broadcasting services
and licences, does so in the public interest and ensures
fairness and a diversity of views broadly representing
society at large.
Article 9 of the loi organique 011/001 states that “The CSAC is tasked with giving
its assent before any frequencies are allocated…” In reality, however, it is the
Ministry of Communication that administers frequencies.
The CSAC is not entirely fulfilling its role and is considered as being too weak
to perform the full range of powers ascribed to it. Instead, the Minister of
Communication regulates the frequencies while at the same time owning a radio
station. He hence tends to act in his own account and in the interest of his camp.


AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo

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