3.2 Broadcasting is regulated by an independent body
adequately protected by law against interference
whose board is appointed - in an open way - involving civil society and not dominated by any particular
political party.
The High Council for Audiovisual and Communication (CSAC) is, in theory, an
independent body, protected against any kind of interference. According to the
explanatory statement of the Organic Law no. 011/001 of 10 January 2011, “the
CSAC oversees content while the Government is in charge of regulation and
As part of its mandate, the CSAC is tasked with providing technical advice –
before and after – on all matters relating to broadcast media, print and electronic
media; to give its opinion before granting frequencies and before any press
receipt for audiovisual media, print and electronic media is issued to recipients
within the sector”, Article 9.
Article 24 of the Organic Law no. 11/001 of 10 January 2011 states as follows:
« The Council consists of fifteen members selected in the following manner:
- 1 member by the President of the Republic;
- 2 members by the National Assembly;
- 2 members by the Senate;
- 1 member by the Government;
- 1 member by the High Council of Magistrates;
- 3 members by professional media associations, of which one member
for each activity cluster: radio broadcasting, television and print media;
- 1 member represents the advertising industry;
- 1 member by the National Council of the Bar Association;
- 1 member by legally constituted student (school and university) parent
- 2 members by legally constituted associations that defend the rights of
media professionals.
This designation takes into account the expertise found in the media sector,
national representation as well as the representation of women.”
In reality, the CSAC has to endure interference by the National Information
Agency (ANR) and also by the ruling power. Some members of the CSAC were
imposed on the council without the approval of their base; sometimes these are
individuals coming from structures that are not among the structures called upon
to nominate a representative to the council.
Contrary to what the legal framework stipulates, the President of the Republic
himself nominated members of the CSAC outside the lists brought forward

AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo


Select target paragraph3