Botswana 2.13 The advertising market is large enough to maintain a diversity of media outlets. ANALYSIS: The advertising market is large enough and new titles are coming up all the time. The estimated figure of P400 million for the total amount of ad spend given in 2005 is actually conservative. P300 million is the figure arrived at in a study done by Methaetsile Leepile but this seems to exclude the book industry and ad spend from South Africa. Titles which have long been on the market and have developed a brand for themselves manage to survive more easily than new entries into the field. Internet, radio and others have not yet explored the advertising market thoroughly enough. Overall, there is enough money out there to sustain the industry which is growing. SCORING: Individual scores: 4, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4 Average score: 3.8 OVERALL SCORE FOR SECTOR 2: 2.4 (2005 = 2.0) African Media Barometer - Botswana 2007 (2005 = 3.0) 27