Sector 3:


Broadcasting regulation is transparent and
independent, the stare broadcaster is transformed
into a truly public broadcaster.

Broadcasting is regulated by an independent body
adequately protected against interference, particularly of
a political and economic nature.

According to the 1998 Broadcasting Act, the National Broadcasting
Board (NBB) is appointed by the minister in charge of broadcasting.
The board comprises an officer from the Office of the President, an
officer from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, an officer from
the Department of Cultural and Social Welfare, a representative of
the Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA), and seven persons appointed from a list of 10 candidates nominated by a Nominating Committee. This Committee consists of a member of the Law
Society, the Vice-Chancellor of the University and a representative
of the Office of the President. The Board is funded by the ministry,
reports to the ministry, and the BTA serves as the Secretariat to the
Especially the role of the BTA as Secretariat was questioned, given
that it creates the possibility of the BTA dominating the Board in its
decision-making. The Board would need to have its own independent staff to do its work without direct interference from the BTA in
order to be really independent and seen to be so.
There are plans to merge BTA and NBB to set up a combined body to
deal with all aspects of broadcasting and ICT. The present minister
regards such a merger as a matter of priority. Currently stakeholders have no information on the nature and structure of the envisaged Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority.


African Media Barometer - Botswana 2007

Select target paragraph3