V. - Contains violence
V.L - Contains violence and strong language

- Sexual content may offend

(4) The following classifications on age restrictions shall be usedFAM.
General/Family Viewing



Parental Guidance Advised




Approved for viewing by persons over 13 years




Approved for viewing by persons over 16 years




Approved for viewing by persons over 18 years.

18.(1) Every free-to-air licensee shall(a)
have particular regard to protect children from any violent
have a responsibility to ensure that generally programmes
broadcast do not(i)
incite, encourage or glamorise violence and brutality;
contain gratuitous violence in any form that is, violence
which does not play a leading role in developing the
plot or theme of the material as a whole;
(iii) epitomize violence as the only legitimate ingredient and
main theme without clearly showing the negative
consequences of violence to its victims and
show methods or devices of inflicting injury which are
capable of easy imitation;

not portray conduct that encourages antisocial behaviour, abuse
of alcohol or drugs;
not air programme containing frightening and excessive special
effects featuring violence not relevant to the story line;
not air programme containing a combination of violence and
sexual conduct meant to titillate the viewers or listeners;
not air programme that portray violence against women in
drama as to encourage the idea that women are to be exploited
or degraded through violence or are willing victims of violence;
not air programme that portray violence against women as an
erotic experience.
(2) Where, in rare cases, links between violence and sexual
ratification are explored as a serious theme in drama, any depiction must be
justified by its content.

19.(1) Every licensee shall ensure that there is a clear separation of
advertising content and programme, and shall8

Select target paragraph3