Broadcasting of Parliament Session 13.-(1) A licensee shall be free to cover parliamentary sessions subject to laid down parliamentary rules, regulations, procedures and on Parliamentary Broadcasting. (2) A licensee airing live parliamentary sessions shall not insert advertisement during the programme or display sponsorship logos. Unsuitable Programmes Language Explicitness 14.(1) Every licensee shall have particular regard to the need to protect children from unsuitable programme material. (2) For subscription broadcasting service, programmes dealing with extreme violence, sexual conduct and disturbing social and domestic friction shall not be broadcast before the watershed period. 15. Every free-to-air licensee shall(a) ensure that only official languages, namely Kiswahili and English are used for all broadcasts except where specific authorization has been given to use non-official languages; (b) refrain from using language meant to mislead or unnecessarily cause alarm and despondency; and (c) take particular care to avoid blasphemy and take into account cultural and religious sensitivities. 16.(1) Every licensee shall ensure that, sexual activity shall(a) only be suggested in discreet visual or verbal reference and never in graphic detail; (b) shall not be frequent and without any good reason. (2) In broadcasting programmes which contain sexual aspects or conduct, the broadcasters shall take into account community values on exposure to unsolicited sexual material. (3) Every licensee shall not broadcast any programme that depicts actual sexual activity. (4) Nude scenes which show the genitals shall not be broadcast except for educational purposes. (5) Where a news story involves a sexual aspect, it should be presented as such without undue exploitation. Programme clarification labels or warnings 17.(1) During early hours of the adult listening and viewing period, the licensee shall provide audience advisories before the commencement of each programme. (2) In addition to verbal warning about the content, a visual warning shall be displayed on the screen at the start of the programme and on all promotional material. (3) The following warning symbols shall be displayed on televisionC. - Content may offend L. - Language may offend 7