
broadcast a maximum of five minutes of advertising
material in any thirty minutes of broadcasting;
insert a maximum of two advertising breaks in a thirty minutes
programme; and
ensure that every advertising does not exceed a duration of
sixty seconds.
Notwithstanding the provision of sub regulation 29(1), every
licensee shall be guided by the Code of Advertising and Sponsorship issued by
the Authority.

20.(1) Every free-to-air licensee shall(a)
avoid broadcasting material which promotes or glamorizes
discrimination based on race, national ethnic, origin, colour,
religion, gender, age, mental or physical disability;
portray women and men as having equal capabilities in
performing societal functions.
(2) Every licensee shall avoid(a)
identifying people by their ethnic origin or colour;
usage of derogatory terms in speaking of men or women of
particular ethnic groups or race;
the presentation of a group of people as an undifferentiated
similar mass, rather than a collection of individuals with
different interests and beliefs;
programmes which depict women as sexual objects.
(3) A licensee shall(a) be sensitive to the rights and dignity of people who are mentally
or physically challenged;
ensure that programmes which patronize and promote myths
about people with disabilities are avoided;


ensure that in portraying acts of violence, they are not always
associated with people who are mentally challenged.

21.(1) The subscription content licensee shall visually display
classification warning symbols throughout the viewing period.
(2) The subscription content licensee shall not only display the
symbols but shall also give reason for the classifications as followsFAM
- Family viewing.


shall be discreetly implied but have very low
scenes of threat or menace and is infrequent.

Sexual Activity -

shall be only suggestive in visual or verbal

Coarse Language -

shall be mild


- Parent Guidance Advised.


- shall be discreetly implied or styled.

Sexual Activity








Select target paragraph3