(6) The licensee shall ensure that court and parliamentary proceedings
are reported accurately and that the reporting does not contain premature
conclusions which may prejudice the outcome of the case or parliamentary
Political party

During election campaigns, every broadcaster shall give
reasonable and equal opportunities for the broadcasting of
election campaigns to all political parties contesting the election.
(2) Every broadcaster shall be guided by the Code on Political Party
Elections Broadcasts issued by the Authority.


8. Investigative reports shall be balanced, accurate, fair and complete.
9.(1) A licensee shall not use material relating to a person’s personal
or private affairs or which invades an individual’s privacy other than where
there is a compelling public interest for the material to be broadcast.
(2) The identity of rape victims and victims of other sexual offences
shall not be divulged on programme broadcasts without the prior written
consent of the victim.
(3) The identity of minors who are victims of rape or any other crime
shall not be divulged.


10. Every licensee shall(a)



be technically equipped in handling live programmes so as to
avoid broadcasting obscene and undesirable comments from
participants, callers and audiences;
ensure that contributors and participants to a programme are
treated fairly without discrimination or denigration; and
ensure that they abide by the provisions of the Copyright and
Neighbouring Act, 1997

11(1) Every licensee shall develop a sponsorship policy which ensures

any advertising material from the sponsor must be clearly
distinct and separated from the programme;
the content and format of the individual programmes are not
influenced by the sponsors of the programme; and


the sponsorship of news and current affairs programmes shall
not be allowed;
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub regulation 11(1) above, a
licensee shall adhere to the provisions of the Code on Advertising and
hook ups
Act No. 7 1999

12.-(1) A licensee shall be free to undertake programme hook-ups
subject to business agreements between them.
(2) Programme hook-ups agreements shall not violate Copyright and
Neighbouring Rights Act, 1997.

Select target paragraph3