ZiFM Stereo journalist
Anesu Masamvu

Masamvu was
reportedly denied access
to cover musician Winky
D’s show which was held
in Harare.

6 May 2023

Freelance journalist
Chengetai Zvauya

Zvauya was reportedly
denied access to cover a
Zanu PF campaign rally
at a netball complex in
Mbare, Harare, which
was addressed by Vice
President Constantino

3 July 2023

Private Media

According to the
NewsDay President

13 July 2023

Emmerson Mnangagwa’s
security barred private
media journalists
from covering the
commissioning of
the new Robert
Gabriel Mugabe
(RGM) International
Airport terminal. Only
journalists from the State
media were granted
access to tour the facility
with the President.
Group of Journalists


Journalists covering
the 2023 elections
were ordered to move
300 metres away
from a polling station
in Makoni South in
Manicaland Province
on the instruction of the
presiding officer.

23 August 2023

Select target paragraph3