Masvingo Mirror editor,
Garikai Mafirakureva,
journalist Ellen Mlambo,
and photographer

Journalists from
Masvingo Mirror were
reportedly denied access
to polling stations at
Victoria High School
and Show Grounds in
Masvingo Urban’s ward
nine (9), respectively,
despite producing proof
of their accreditation by
the Zimbabwe Electoral
Commission (ZEC)
and Zimbabwe Media
Commission (ZMC).

22 and 23 August 2023

Group of Journalists

Security details
24 October 2023
reportedly ordered
journalists to delete
pictures of Vice President
Kembo Mohadi after
he reportedly collapsed
while addressing a Zanu
PF campaign launch in
Gutu West constituency.

VOA Studio 7 journalists
Annahstacia Ndlovu and
Kudzanai Musengi

Ndlovu and Musengi
were reportedly denied
access to cover the
ruling Zanu PF’s annual
conference which kicked
off in the Midlands
capital of Gweru on 27
October 2023.

26 October 2023

Select target paragraph3