Barred/ Censored/
Banned /Denied access
or accreditation

Victim/Concerned Party Issue
Several Journalists


Several journalists were 16 January 2023
on 16 January 2023
reportedly barred by
anti-riot police from
entering a courtroom at
the Harare Magistrates
Court to cover the initial
appearance of opposition
Citizens Coalition for
Change (CCC) supporters
arrested for participating
in a gathering with
intent to promote public
violence, breaches of
peace or bigotry.


Private Media

Zimbabwe’s First Lady
Auxillia Mnangagwa
reportedly barred
journalists from the
private media from
covering her tour of
the Museum of African
Liberation in Harare.

24 April 2023

VOA Studio 7 journalist
Annahstacia Ndlovu

Ndlovu was reportedly
28 April 2023
denied entry into the
arena to cover the official
opening ceremony of the
Zimbabwe International
Trade Fair (ZITF) in
Zimbabwe’s second
largest city of Bulawayo.

Select target paragraph3