Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:







1.6 (2015: 2.2, 2012: 1.4, 2010: 1.6, 2008: 1.1,
2006: 1.0)

4.3 Salary levels and general working conditions,
including safety, for journalists and other media
practitioners are adequate
'Salaries for journalists in Lesotho are very poor and pathetic. It is a very sad
Entry-level journalists in the private media earn approximately 1,500 to 2,000 M
(105 to 140 USD) for month. An untrained journalist can earn as little as 500 M
(36 USD). Middle to senior level journalists generally earn 3,000 to 4,000 M (210
to 280 USD).
‘Sometimes when you reach 4,000 M, the media house pushes you out because
you become expensive.’
It is important to note that in the private media, people often negotiate their
salaries. Salaries therefore differ from one media practitioner to the next, as there
are no set standards. Editors in some private media (for example at the Lesotho
Times and Public Eye) are from outside the country and can negotiate their
salaries. Their salaries range from 15,000 to 20,000 M (1,050 to 1,400 USD).
Salaries in the private media are also determined by the level of advertising the
media house is able to secure.
In addition, job benefits are poor as many media houses do not provide medical
aid or pension. Journalists also work with limited resources, with no cameras
or cars to transport them while on coverage. Even when journalists are injured
on the job, most media houses do not pay for the associated medical bills. For
example, when journalist Lloyd Mutangamiri from the Lesotho Times was shot,
he did not receive any support from his media house. ‘The family has been
The state media pays its journalists better salaries as they are considered public
servants and their salaries are regulated by the Ministry of Public Service. In



Select target paragraph3