separate radio stations in completely different ways. In addition, there is a lot of
sensationalism on the radio.
‘Radio stations are full of gossip. Presenters often fail to control people who call
in [to talk shows].’
The large number of lawsuits against the media demonstrate the lack of accuracy
in the media in the country. Currently, the Lesotho Times newspaper is facing
three prominent lawsuits.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:









2.0 (2015: 1.8, 2012: 1.4, 2010: 3.2, 2008: 2.1,
2006: 1.2)

4.2 The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by independent/
non-statutory bodies that deal with complaints
from the public
There is no media council or Press Ombudsman in Lesotho, nor any other
independent or statutory body to arbitrate on media related complaints from the
public. The media has also not yet developed a self-regulatory body that deals
with such complaints. When people have complaints against the media, their
only discourse is to go to the courts.
It is only recently that some private media houses have started developing their
own in-house codes of conduct; previously, most houses simply had house
styles or editorial guidelines. A panellist shared that Radio Lesotho had codes of
conduct guidelines from the BBC put up on the wall for a very long time.
There are no codes of conduct in the state print media. In media broadcasting,
however, the codes of conduct come from the LCA.
In July 2013, the Broadcasting Disputes Resolution Panel (BDRP) was established
in accordance with the Communications Act of 2012. The panel was established
to resolve disputes regarding broadcast content and to develop a broadcasting
code. The BDRP is a statutory body of members appointed by the Minister of



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