this respect, entry-level salaries start at around 14,000 M (1,000 USD) when in
possession of a degree. State media workers do not have medical aid, however
a pension is provided.
Freelancers are paid the lowest salaries in the industry. Remuneration ranges
from 5-10 US cents per word, depending on the media house. Most media
houses in Lesotho do not often use freelancers: they get stories from the LENA
and then use interns to develop the stories.
‘In general, the media in Lesotho is under-resourced, not professionalised and
not institutionalised.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:




1.1 (2015: 1.9, 2012: 1.6, 2010: 2.4, 2008: n/a,
2006: n/a)

4.4 Journalists and other media practitioners are
organised in trade unions and/or professional
associations, which effectively represent their
Attempts to set up an effective journalist trade union have failed. The Journalist
Association of Lesotho failed to take off because there was no industry-wide
buy-in by stakeholders in the media. The government media workers were not
allowed to join, given that media employees in the state media are considered
public servants. The public service has a union (Lesotho Public Service Staff
Association) and the state media employees are members of this union.
Journalists from the private media, often submissive to their owners, were
not active in the union. Therefore, the union has not had enough members to
enable registration of the body with the International Federation of Journalists.
In addition, power struggles and fighting over the union's resources rendered it
weak. Due to poor salaries and working conditions, journalists do not come to
the meetings if no per diems and food are provided.
The Editors Forum in Lesotho was established in 2012, but has not been effective
due to lack of funding and commitment from members. The shareholders or



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